Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christina's Commandments

I have started creating my own personal commadments for my Happiness Project. Here is what I have so far

1.Be Christina
2.Pay Yourself First
3.Listen More Then You Speak
4.Will It Matter In A Year?
5.Don't Buy To Impress

Some of the commandments I am pondering right now are
1. Try Something New
2.Smile Even When It Hurts
4.No Judgement
5.Act The Way I Want To Feel
6.Appreciate The Moment
7.One Thing At A Time

Monday, January 16, 2012

Half Way Point

Its January 16th and I'm half way through the month and I just wanted to check in with myself and see how I am doing...

*Health-162-158.2 (-3.8 pounds)
-The no pop thing flew out the window on like day two but I am sticking to diet for the most part...
-Exercising is going really well I am keeping up with the working out at least three times a week thing so YAY ME!!!

-I am following the 31 Days to fix your finances religiously and loving every minute of it...
-I have opened up two separate high yielding savings accounts to help me get even further...
-I have made my long and short term goals

*Minimalist Living
-Finally got one of my books so I am starting to dig into that at the moment
-Gone through all my clothing for my first initial clear out
-Starting to go through my scrapbooking supplies as well
-Still need to go through everything and see if I can make outfits out of everything

*Bible Study
-I have done a bible study once every week so far... Planning on doing this weeks on Wednesday...

So all in all these past 15 days have been amazing and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolution #3

My third resolution is probably the same as everyone else. I want to become a healthy person and loose 15 pounds by the 1st of next year. If I loose more its just gonna be a bonus. But the goal is to be healthy not skinny. So for the first month my goals are simple. No pop that isn't diet and work out three times a week for 30 minutes each. I am hoping to hop on the Tread tonight to start things off.
Then in Feb I am hoping to start the Insanity Workout for 90 Days so that takes me to May and when I get there I will come up with more. Plus every week in Feb I am going to try a new meal and see if Its good enough to combine into a weekly meal rotation.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolution #2 & My 5 Core Values

So for my second resolution this year I decided that I would once and for all get my finances in order. No more guessing what I have and spending wildly on anything and everything I think I need. I ordered some books through Amazon today to help get me started as well as following the Simple Dollar Blog I found and love. I can't wait for the day when I can say I have zero debt!
As for my first steps in going through this process I have started the 31 days to fix your finances. Day one was all about your five main values and I just wanted to share mine on here
2. Fulfillment
3. Growth
4. Spirituality
5. Health